LTC Yesenia Hutcher is the 2020-2021 United States Army War College Fellow at the Saltzman Institute of War and Peace studies. She is a United States Army Intelligence Officer where she has worked at all echelons of the defense enterprise to include the National and Strategic level. She holds a B.A. in Communications from the University of Colorado,  and an M.A. in International Communications with an emphasis in International Relations from the University of Oklahoma. Hutcher was a 2016 Seminar XXI fellow at MIT’s Center for International Studies. During her 25 years of military service, she has served in Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo supporting peace-keeping operations. Hutcher also supported intelligence operations in Iraq and Afghanistan where she worked with interagency, intergovernmental, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and multi-national partners. She served as an interagency fellow in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) where she worked with Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Territorial, and Private Sector entities to conduct comprehensive assessments crucial to homeland security. During Hutcher’s tenure she outlined a regional approach to domestic intelligence and an operational framework for homeland defense. She served as a Special Assistant to the 38th and 39th Chief of Staff of the Army where she engaged with senior leaders in the Department of Defense, Congressional Delegates, Foreign Counterparts, Non-Government and Government Agencies as well as leaders in industry, the private sector, and academia. Most recently, Hutcher served as Commander of the 743D Military Intelligence Battalion, where her organization supported global cryptologic support operations through National Security Agency-Colorado (NSA-C) and Joint Defense Pine Gap in Australia.