Stuart Gottlieb is Adjunct Professor of International Affairs and Public Policy at the School of
International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University. He also serves as faculty director
for SIPA’s professional certification programs in international relations and UN studies. Gottlieb
has been teaching American foreign policy, international security, and counterterrorism at SIPA
since 2003.

Prior to joining Columbia, Gottlieb worked for five years in the United States Senate, first as
senior foreign policy adviser to Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, and subsequently as
policy adviser and chief speechwriter for Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut. He has
also worked on several political campaigns, including Vice President Al Gore’s presidential
campaign in 2000, and New York City mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani’s reelection campaign in 1997
and presidential campaign in 2008.

Gottlieb is a former founding partner of Prides Crossing Executive Communication, a
speechwriting and communications consulting firm based in New York City, whose client list
includes many well-known public officials and Fortune 500 companies. He continues to consult
independently with political and business leaders, and regularly publishes op-eds and other
policy-related articles. A third edition of his book Debating Terrorism& Counterterrorism:
Conflicting Perspectives on Causes, Contexts, and Responses will be published in 2025 (Rowman
& Littlefield), and he is currently working on two books on U.S. foreign policy, titled
Experimental Power: The Rise and Role of America in World Affairs (Yale University Press), and
Founding Tensions: The Age-Old Struggles that Shape America’s Foreign Policy (Oxford
University Press).

Gottlieb holds a B.A. with honors in political science and journalism from the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, and a Ph.D. in international relations from Columbia University.


Stuart Gottlieb, Debating Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Conflicting Perspectives on Causes, Contexts, and Responses, 2d ed. (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2013).

Principal Articles

Book Chapters

Stuart Gottlieb, “Change and Continuity in America’s Counterterrorism Strategy under Obama,” Steven Hook and James Scott, eds., in US Foreign Policy Today: American Renewal? (Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2012).

Other Articles, Testimony and Reports

Stuart Gottlieb, “Why the 2024 Election Shattered the Democratic Party.”, Newsweek, March 19, 2025.
Stuart Gottlieb, “A Constitutional Test,” The New York Times, March 17, 2025.
Stuart Gottlieb, “A Clash of Views Over the Israel-Hamas War,” The New York Times, 9 October 2023.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Risks if U.S. Foreign Policy Turns Inward,” The New York Times, 11 December 2022.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Will the Liberal World Order Survive An Era of Upheaval?,” The National Interest, 29 October 2022.
Stuart Gottlieb, “A Delicate Political Balance,” The New York Times, 20 September 2022.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Biden’s Climate Plans Are Unsustainable,” The Wall Street Journal, 31 July 2022.
Stuart Gottlieb, “What is Putin Really After in Ukraine,” The New York Times, 7 April 2022.
Stuart Gottlieb, “President Biden Is Leading From Weakness on Ukraine,” National Interest, 24 March 2022.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The War in Afghanistan Isn’t Over,” National Interest, 26 September 2021.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Welcome Back to Sept. 10, 2001,” The Hill, 25 August 2021.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Will the Pandemic Make China Even More Powerful?,” Washington Monthly, 17 March 2021.
Stuart Gottlieb, “American Democracy: Still the Envy of the World,” The Hill, 11 November 2020.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Media’s Misleading Use of COVID-19 Data,” The Hill, 23 September 2020.
Stuart Gottlieb and Bre-Anna Sonnier-Thompson, “The Myth of America’s Unique COVID-19 Failure,” The Hill, 20 August 2020.
Stuart Gottlieb and Daniella Pletka, “Trump’s Strike Will Not Save Iran’s Hardliners,” The Hill, 8 January 2020.
Stuart Gottlieb, “What if Democrats Lose the Hispanic Vote?” The Hill, 14 October 2019.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Terror to Come,” The Hill, 14 April 2019.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Lawless World of Global Terror Combatants,” Washington Monthly, 11 October 2018.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Navigating the Post-Obama World,” National Interest, 10 June 2018.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Taming of President Trump,” Washington Monthly, 2 May 2017.
Stuart Gottlieb, “How the Next President Can Uproot Terrorism,” National Interest, 27 May 2016.
Stuart Gottlieb and Danielle Pletka, “Don’t Buy the Democrats’ New Tough Talk on Iran,” The Daily Beast, 17 September 2015.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Why ISIS is a Threat to the American Homeland,” National Interest, 20 September 2014.
Stuart Gottlieb, “History’s Advice to Barack Obama,” National Interest, 9 September 2014.
Stuart Gottlieb and Eric Lorber, “The Dark Side of Interdependence: How Global Ties Tied Our Hands in Russia,” Foreign Affairs online, 5 August 2014.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Saving Democracy in Thailand,” The Hill, 10 July 2014.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Saving Democracy in Thailand,” The Hill, 10 July 2014.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Blame the Obama Doctrine for Iraq,” Daily Beast, 29 June 2014.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Syria and the Demise of the Responsibility to Protect,” National Interest, 5 November 2013.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Protecting Taiwan’s Free Press,” Roll Call, 5 October 2012.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Protecting Taiwan’s Free Press,” Roll Call, 5 October 2012.
Stuart Gottlieb, “What if US Stops Policing the World?” CNN Opinion, 18 September 2012.
Stuart Gottlieb, “What if US Stops Policing the World?” CNN Opinion, 18 September 2012.
Stuart Gottlieb, “America’s Global Role,” New York Times, 27 March 2012.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Staying the Course: Why President Obama’s antiterror policies look so much like George W. Bush’s,” American Lawyer (November 2010).
Stuart Gottlieb, “Obama Softened Language, Hardened Hearts,” Christian Science Monitor, 14 October 2010.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Obama Softened Language, Hardened Hearts,” Christian Science Monitor, 14 October 2010.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Limits of Language in Fighting Terrorism,” National Interest, 21 September 2010.
Stuart Gottlieb, “A Way Forward on Terror Detainees,” American Lawyer, (September 2009).
Stuart Gottlieb, “Obama’s Drone-Strike Counterterrorism Policy,” Foreign Policy online, 7 April 2009.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Three Keys to Fighting Terrorism,” Hartford Courant, 5 December 2008.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Three Keys to Fighting Terrorism,” Hartford Courant, 5 December 2008.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Democrats’ Foreign Policy Game,” Christian Science Monitor, 7 July 2008.
Stuart Gottlieb, “The Democrats’ Foreign Policy Shell-Game,” Christian Science Monitor, 7 July 2008.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Tracking Terrorists,” Foreign Policy online, 1 May 2008.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Will Iraq Be the Next Rwanda?” Washington Post, 15 April 2007.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Will Iraq be the Next Rwanda?,” The Washington Post, 15 April 2007.
Stuart Gottlieb, “Kosovo and the Politics of Self-Determination,” Providence Journal, 12 February 1999.
Stuart Gottlieb, “NATO Expansion: Policy for Sale,” Providence Journal, 9 May 1998.