Michael Klipstein has been involved with cyberspace operations since 2010 when working in USCYBERCOM. Following this, he worked for two years in Tailored Access Operations (TAO) as part of the National Security Agency. Following this, Michael lead the Army’s National Mission Team, the offensive cyber team tasked to conduct operations to protect the critical infrastructure and key resources of the nation and to answer intelligence requirements as assigned by the President. Following success here, he created and trained two national level cyber protection teams charged with protecting the DoD’s networks from nation state actors. In 2014, Klipstein attended the Naval Postgraduate School in California to attain his PhD. Currently, he is assigned as a senior research scientist and the Chief of Outreach at the Army Cyber Institute at West Point. Additionally, Klipstein currently assists the Joint Staff and ARCYBER with research problems facing the international cyber community. His current research includes information operations online, Theater Security Cooperation for Cyberspace, and the creation of an unclassified international information fusion process for cyberspace operations.