The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, the SIPA Women In Leadership Group, the SIPA Conflict Resolution Collective, and the SIPA International Organization & United Nations Studies Specialization present:

Women in Diplomacy

Date: March 26, 2025
Time: 5pm-6pm
Location: 1302 International Affairs Building
Registration: Pre-registration not required; seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Food will be provided. 


H.E. Susana Malcorra, President & Cofounder of GWL Voices, former Foreign Minister of Argentina

H.E. Vanessa Frazier, Permanent Representative of Malta to the UN

H.E. Martiza Chan, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the UN

Ms. Thilmeeza Hussain, Former Permanent Representative of Maldives to the UN; Director of RCNYO

Moderated by V. Page Fortna, Director, Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies; Harold Brown Professor of US Foreign and Security Policy, Department of Political Science, Columbia University

Event Description:
This panel discussion will bring together women ambassadors from diverse regions to explore the evolving role of women in diplomacy and the challenges that persist in achieving gender parity in multilateralism. The conversation will focus on the challenges and dilemmas of women in multilateral diplomacy, with particular emphasis on their experiences in peace & security, artificial intelligence, and multilateralism.
Campus Access: 
Please be aware that access to Columbia’s campus is currently limited to active Columbia students, faculty and staff. Alumni can register for same-day access at this link. If you need assistance accessing campus, please email Saltzman Institute Coordinator Olivia Grinberg at