The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies and the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy present:


Book Event: The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Evening reception to follow

1512 International Affairs Building 

Register here for in-person attendance.

Introduced by:

Keren Yarhi-Milo, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs, and Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Relations, Columbia University


Elizabeth Saunders, Author, The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace; Professor of Political Science, Columbia University

Timothy Naftali, Senior Research Scholar in the Faculty of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

Robert ShapiroWallace S. Sayre Professor of Government and Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

Hosted by:

V. Page Fortna, Director, Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies; Harold Brown Professor of US Foreign and Security Policy, Department of Political Science, Columbia University


Event Description:

One of the most widely held views of democratic leaders is that they are cautious about using military force because voters can hold them accountable, ultimately making democracies more peaceful. How, then, are leaders able to wage war in the face of popular opposition, or end conflicts when the public still supports them? This question is all the more salient as voters wrestle with U.S. support for conflicts abroad and prepare for the 2024 presidential election. 

Elizabeth Saunders will help answer key questions surrounding the politics of war, sharing insights from her book The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace. She and co-panelists Timothy Naftali and Robert Shapiro will also discuss what the upcoming election means for U.S. foreign policy.

Pre-registration required.