Author Archives: Olivia Grinberg-Phillips

Kimberly Marten in PONARS-Eurasia

On March 9, 2022, PONARS-Eurasia published Kimberly Marten’s latest policy memo titled, “President Putin’s Rationality and Escalation in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine.” In the memo, Marten discusses Putin’s rationality, why he is unlikely to escalate his invasion either on to NATO territory or up to use of nuclear weapons, and why we need to focus on […]

Cynthia Roberts on Center for National Interest Panel

On March 9, 2022, Cynthia Roberts was a co-panelist with James Acton, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, at an event sponsored by the Center for National Interest. The panel was titled “Stepping Toward the Abyss: Putin Brandishes Nuclear Weapons” and is available for viewing here.

Erica Lonergan in Monkey Cage

On March 7, 2022, Erica Lonergan had a co-authored piece the Washington Post‘s Monkey Cage titled, “Putin’s invasion of Ukraine didn’t rely on cyberwarfare. Here’s why.” You can read it here.