Author Archives: Olivia Grinberg-Phillips

Jean-Marie Guéhenno’s New Book Wins French Prix de la Revue des Deux Mondes

Jean-Marie Guéhenno’s new book, “Le Premier XXIème Siècle, de la globalisation à l’émiettement du Monde,” (roughly translated as “The first twenty-first century, from globalization to fragmentation”) has won the French Prix de la Revue des Deux Mondes.  Jean-Marie received the prize in a ceremony in Paris on June 1, 2022. The prize is given each year to a […]

Michael Rubin Awarded 2020 Shanley & Chamberlain Prize

Michael Rubin, Saltzman Staff Member and Student Scholar, is a co-recipient of the 2022 Shanley & Chamberlain Prize for his submission,  “National Health Care and Presidential Conviction, Savviness, and Popularity: An Analysis of Presidential Identity and Health Care Legislative Outcomes in the United States from 1977-2020.”  The prize is awarded annually to 1-3 undergraduates deemed […]

Kimberly Marten in Foreign Affairs Online

On May 4, 2022, Kimberly Marten had piece in Foreign Affairs online, analyzing Finland’s likely bid for NATO membership. Titled, “Finland’s New Frontier: Will Russia Seek to Disrupt Helsinki’s NATO Bid?,” her article discusses a range of military and economic issues, and concludes that the benefits outweigh the risks. You can read it here.

Stephen Biddle in The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage

On April 28, 2022, Stephen Biddle had an essay on Ukraine in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage titled, “Is There a Difference between ‘Offensive’ and ‘Defensive’ Weapons? In Ukraine and Beyond, Determination and Tactics Matter More than the Mix of Weapons.”  You can read it here.

Inbar Pe’er to Attend Yale Law School

SIWPS Coordinator and former Saltzman Student Scholar Inbar Pe’er will depart her position on June 30 in preparation to attend Yale Law School next fall. Although we will miss her, we are all excited for her and wish her every success. 

Rumela Sen on The Alarmist Podcast

On April 21, 2022, Rumela Sen was featured on the The Alarmist, a popular comedy history podcast that scrutinizes history’s greatest disasters to figure out what went wrong and who’s to blame. Her topic was the Nepali Royal Massacre and Maoists. You can listen here.

Séverine Autesserre’s Book Shortlisted for CRS Book of the Year

Séverine Autesserre’s latest book, The Frontlines of Peace, has been shortlisted for the 2022 Conflict Research Society Book Prize. The Conflict Research Society (CRS) Book of the Year Prize honors research on conflict and peace that is contemporary, exceptional, and world leading, and which provides an invaluable contribution to the literature on conflict and peace.  It is an annual prize […]