Author Archives: Olivia Grinberg-Phillips

Peter Clement Interviewed on Lawfare Podcast

On August 27, Peter Clement was interviewed by David Priess, author of The President’s Book of Secrets, on the Chatter podcast by Lawfare. He discussed his road to studying Russia as a career, the art of Kremlinology, Putin’s rise, Putin’s feelings about Ukraine across the decades, and more. The episode is titled, “What Putin Wants, with Peter Clement,” and is […]

Stephen Biddle in Security Studies

Stephen Biddle has a new article (coauthored with John Severini) in Security Studies titled, “Military Effectiveness and Naval Warfare.” The article debuts a new dataset on all 573 known surface naval battles since 1649 with at least three major combatants engaged and at least one on each side, and uses these data to contrast trends and patterns […]

Tamar Mitts Awarded Department of Defense Minerva Grant

Tamar Mitts has been awarded a grant from the Department of Defense’s Minerva Research Initiative to study adversary social influence and information campaigns.  This is an exciting, multi-university, multi-year project that will combine subject matter and investigative expertise with deep experience in quantitative impact evaluation. At Columbia, the award will support research on how influence […]

Jason Healey Speaks at Black Hat Conference

On August 7, Jason Healey gave a major talk at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas titled, “Is Defense Winning?” His talk looks at what “winning” means for cyber defenders and provides a framework for understanding if any system-wide advantage is shifting from offense to defense. As you may remember, SIPA’s first New York […]

Rafael Mesquita in Artificial Intelligence and Law Journal

On August 7, former Saltzman Institute Visiting Scholar Rafael Mesquita had a co-authored article published by the Artificial Intelligence and Law journal titled, “Jurisprudence in hard and soft law output of international organizations.” The article explores whether international organizations that produce hard law use jurisprudence differently than those that produce soft law, applying network analysis […]

Jason Healey in Texas National Security Review

Jason Healey has a new article in the Texas National Security Review (Vol 7, Iss 4) titled, “Cyber Effects in Warfare: Categorizing the Where, What, and Why.” Many of you will be familiar with this topic, as Jay workshopped this with SIWPS back in 2019. He argues, one reason why it has been difficult to assess how offensive […]

Rajan Menon in MSNBC

On August 1, Rajan Menon had an opinion piece published in MSNBC titled, “Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran. What happens next?” You can read it online here. 

Erica Lonergan Quoted in DefenseScoop

On August 1, Erica Lonergan was quoted in a DefenseScoop article discussing the new assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy position created in the Pentagon. The article is titled, “New assistant secretary of defense position signifies maturation of cyber within the department,” and is available online here. 

Jason Healey on R Street Institute Panel

Jason Healey and the cyber team have been diving into cyber regulations, including the most politically hot topic right now: how to harmonize cyber regulations so companies aren’t forced into duplicative or even conflicting mandates.  On July 31, Healey participated on a panel hosted by the R-Street Institute titled, “Moving Cyber Regulatory Harmonization from Concept to […]