Author Archives: Olivia Grinberg-Phillips

Keren Yarhi-Milo and Thomas Christensen pay tribute to Robert Jervis in Foreign Affairs

On January 7, 2021, Saltzman Institute Director Keren Yarhi-Milo and Executive Committee member Thomas Christensen paid tribute to the life and career of the late Robert Jervis in a new Foreign Affairs article. In the piece, titled, “The Human Factor: How Robert Jervis Reshaped Our Understanding of International Politics,” Yarhi-Milo and Christensen commemorate Jervis’s invaluable […]

V. Page Fortna in Foreign Affairs

On November 29, 2021, V. Page Fortna had a new piece in Foreign Affairs online with co-authors Barbara F. Walter and Lise Morje Howard. The article is titled, “The Astonishing Success of Peacekeeping: The UN Program Deserves More Support – and Less Scorn – From America,” and can be read here.

Tamar Mitts Interviewed on the Social Media and Politics Podcast

On October 24, 2021, Tamar Mitts was interviewed on the Social Media and Politics podcast, summarizing her work on online extremism, which was recently published in the American Political Science Review, International Organization, and the Journal of Politics. She also discussed her new research on the Taliban’s social media presence. You can listen here.