Author Archives: Olivia Grinberg-Phillips

Emerging Voices Launches Summer Internship Funding

The Saltzman Institute is proud to announce an exciting new funding opportunity for Columbia undergraduates completing summer internships in international affairs and foreign policy that are unpaid or below minimum wage. Up to 6 applicants will receive awards ranging from $1,000-$2,000. Those interested in applying need to fill out this form. The application deadline has been extended to May 2nd, 2022 […]

Alexander Cooley in Monkey Cage

On January 9, 2021, Alexander Cooley had a new piece in The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage titled, “Kazakhstan called for assistance. Why did Russia dispatch troops so quickly?” You can read it here.

Cynthia Roberts Quoted in The New York Times

On January 8, 2022, Cynthia Roberts’s Dec. 24 article in the National Interest, “Russian Brinksmanship Meets Weaponized Finance: Prepare for Deterrence to Fail,” (linked here) was quoted heavily in a front page story in The New York Times. You can read the Times article here.