Author Archives: Ingrid Gerstmann

Virpratap Vikram Singh Published in ORF India Online

On September 26, 2022, Virpratap Vikram Singh published an article in the Indian think tank Observer Research Foundation (ORF) India’s online platform. The article discusses cyber incidents that lead to Albania cutting diplomatic ties with Iran. Titled, “Caught in the Crossfire of Cyber Conflict,”  You can read it here.

Kimberly Marten Gives Testimony on Russia’s Wagner Group

On September 21, 2022, Kimberly Marten gave testimony about Russia’s Wagner Group before the US House of Representatives Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security. Her themes included what Wagner is and is not, what purposes it serves for Russia, how the US might hold it more accountable for war crimes, and why she does not support […]

Thomas Christensen Publishes New Book

Thomas Christensen, along with co-authors John T. Downey and Jack Lee Downey, published a new book with Columbia University Press on August 30, 2022. Titled, Lost in the Cold War: The Story of Jack Downey, America’s Longest-Held POW,  you  can read more about it Here.

Jason Healey Nominated for CyberScoop Award in the Cybersecurity Visionary Category

Jason Healey has been Nominated for a CyberScoop Award in the CYBERSECURITY VISIONARY CATEGORY. The Cybersecurity Visionary award is this year’s most prestigious CyberScoop 50 category that recognizes the people driving positive change and making the most significant impact across the entire sector.You can read more about the nominations and vote for Jay HERE. CyberScoop is the leading media […]

New Army War College Fellows Join the Institute

The Institute welcomes United States Army Infantry Officer Colonel James Howell  as a 2022-23 U.S. Army War College Fellow. COL Howell has served for over 20 years in the Department of Defense. You can read more about him Here. The Institute welcomes Senior United States Army Strategist Colonel Christopher Wehri as a 2022-23 U.S. Army War College Fellow. Most recently, COL […]