Author Archives: Ingrid Gerstmann

Sarah Daly New Book Published

Sarah Daly has a new book out with Princeton University Press, titled, Violent Victors: Why Bloodstained Parties Win Postwar Elections. PUP is offering a 30% discount code: P321. A book event will be scheduled for the early spring. You can read more about it here.

Rajan Menon in The Guardian

On November 3, 2022, Rajan Menon had a piece with Daniel R. DePetris in The Guardian.  Titled,  “We can’t keep treating talk of negotiations to end the Ukraine war as off limits,” you can read it here.

Alexander Cooley in Foreign Affairs Online

On October 27, 2022, Alexander Cooley had a new piece, co-authored with Brooke Harrington, a Sociologist from Dartmouth College, in Foreign Affairs Online on stigma and the shaming of the Russian oligarchs. Titled, “The Power of Stigma: Shaming Russian Elites has Helped Weaken Putin,” you can read it here.

Erica Lonergan in Lawfare

On October 21, 2022, Erica Lonergan had a new piece in Lawfare titled, “What Impact, if Any, Does Killnet Have?”  You can read it here.

Séverine Autesserre on French Radio and Harvard Podcast

On October 18, 2022, Séverine Autesserre participated in an hour-long radio show for French national radio France Culture (in French). She discussed various United Nations peacekeeping missions and other topics related to war and peace. You can find the replay / podcast version here. For those of you who don’t speak French, Séverine also recently did a podcast in English for Harvard […]

Jason Healey and Olivia Grinberg in Lawfare

On September 27, 2022, Jason Healey and Olivia Grinberg had a new article in Lawfare. Titled “‘Patriotic Hacking’ Is No Exception,” the article looks at the challenges the Ukraine IT Army has created around norms in cyberspace, and the authors outline a framework to understand and evaluate patriotic hacking and how it corresponds to the Spectrum of […]