Author Archives: Gulnaz Bibi

Elizabeth Saunders Quoted in Bloomberg

On November 6, Elizabeth Saunders was quoted in a Bloomberg article titled, “Trump’s Return Looks to Upend US Foreign Policy Once Again.” You can read the article online here.

Elizabeth Saunders in Good Authority

On November 3, Elizabeth Saunders had an article published in Good Authority titled, “On foreign policy, has Donald Trump become predictable?” You can read it online here.

Gottlieb in NYT International Edition

On October 2, Stuart Gottlieb’s letter to the editor in The New York Times was republished on the Opinion Page of The New York Times International Edition under the headline “A Path Forward for Iran.” 

Erica Lonergan in Security Studies

On September 19, Erica Lonergan had a co-authored article published in Security Studies titled, “Competing Visions for US Grand Strategy in Cyberspace.” You can find it online here.