Author Archives: gemmill

Anne Nelson Published Cuba’s Parallel Worlds: Digital Media Crosses the Divide

Institute affiliate Ann Nelson has recently published a report titled Cuba’s Parallel Worlds: Digital Media Crosses the Divide on innovations in Cuban digital technology. It is the first publication to tell the inside story of Google’s Cuban initiatives and to detail the challenges ahead, as the U.S. and China compete for the Cuban market. The […]

Dipali Mukhopadhyay’s New Book on Shortlist

Institute member Dipali Mukhopadhyay’s book Warlords, Strongman Governors, and the State in Afghanistan, has been shortlisted for the Central Eurasian Studies Society Book Award Committee’s 2016 book award. The winner will be announced at the CESS Annual Conference at Princeton University in November.

Initiative on the Future of Cyber Risk

As part of the SIPA Technology & Policy Initiative, Saltzman Institute Senior Research Scholar Jason Healey, alongside Matthew C. Waxman (Columbia Law School) and Steven M. Bellovin (Columbia Computer Science) are leading an interdisciplinary, inter-school program. The initiative aims to provide a better understanding of critical and emerging issues within the realm of cyber, in […]

Initiative on the Future of Cyber Risk – 2015/2016 Annual Report

This project, part of Columbia University’s Tech & Policy Initiative and spearheaded by Senior Research Scholar Jason Healey, works to combat crucial cybersecurity issues and engage with work streams across the Columbia University community, in an effort to better understand the dynamics of digital power, establish Columbia as a top center in the world for […]

Symposium on Cyber Proxies

Symposium on Cyber Proxies 25 July 2016 Co-Hosted by Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace On 25 July 2016, Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) Senior Research Scholar Jason Healey hosted the first Symposium on Cyber Proxies. The twelve-person group, consisting of senior faculty, […]