Author Archives: gemmill

Working Paper by Professor Richard K. Betts

Professor Richard K. Betts completed a working paper, entitled “Are American Civil-Military Relations Still a Problem?”  This paper is No. 1 in the Saltzman Working Paper Series. Click here to read this working paper.

Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies Launches Working Paper Series

The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies is launching the Saltzman Working Paper Series, designed to circulate initial drafts of research and essays in progress by Institute Members and Affiliates.  These will publicize forthcoming finished work, reach some audiences who might not encounter the later published versions, and invite comments that the […]

Eleventh Annual Summer Workshop on the Analysis of Military Operations and Strategy (SWAMOS)

The Eleventh Summer Workshop on Analysis of Military Operations and Strategy (SWAMOS), was held on the Cornell University campus on July 8-27, 2007.  The three directing faculty included Richard Betts of Columbia University and SIWPS, Stephen Biddle of the U.S. Army War College, and Barry Posen of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Their teaching was supplemented […]

Professor Lincoln Mitchell in The National Interest

Professor Lincoln Mitchell published an article entitled “Beyond Bombs and Ballots: Dispelling Myths About Democracy Assistance” in the March/April 2007 issue of The National Interest. Click here to read this article.