Author Archives: gemmill

Professor Robert Jervis in the National Interest

Professor Robert Jervis published an article entitled “Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying,” a review of John Mueller’s book, Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al Qaeda, in the November/December 2009 issue of the National Interest. Click here to read Professor Jervis’s book review in the National Interest.  

Working Paper by Professor Kimberly Marten

Professor Kimberly Marten completed a working paper, entitled “Warlords, Sovereignty, and State Failure; Chapter Three: Lessons from Post-Soviet Georgia.”  This paper is No. 12 in the Saltzman Working Paper Series.

Professor Lincoln Mitchell in Time Magazine

Professor Lincoln Mitchell spoke to Time Magazine about Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili’s leadership style, referring to the leader’s energetic approach as “government by adrenaline.” Click here to read this article.

Professor Lincoln Mitchell in the Washington Post

Professor Lincoln Mitchell was quoted in an article entitled “Georgia Sees Vindication in War Report; Saakashvili Touts One Finding, but His Opponents Use Inquiry to Step Up Criticism” in the Washington Post.

Publication by Professor Stephanie Neuman

Stephanie Neuman published an article entitled “Power, Influence and Hierarchy: Defense Industries in a Unipolar World” in Richard Bitzinger’s edited volume, The Modern Defense Industry: Political, Economic, and Technological Issues (ABC-CLIO Press, 2009).

Professor Austin Long in Journal of International Affairs

Austin Long published a review, entitled “The Hegemon’s Dilemma,” of David Kilcullen’s book, The Accidental Guerilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One, in the Fall/Winter 2009 issue of Columbia University’s Journal of International Affairs.