Author Archives: gemmill

Professor Lincoln Mitchell Joins Harriman Institute

Lincoln Mitchell is joining the Harriman Institute at Columbia University, where he will teach a course entitled Political Transitions in the Former Soviet Union. At the Harriman Institute Mitchell will work as the principal investigator on a project on U.S.-Georgia relations. He will remain an Affiliate of the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and […]

Professor Alexander Cooley Awarded Open Society Institute Fellowship

Professor Alexander Cooley has been awarded an Open Society Institute Fellowship to study the evolution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Central Asia. Throughout this academic year, Cooley will conduct research in China and Central Asia and present his findings to transatlantic policymakers in Washington D.C. and Brussels.

Farewell Dinner Held for Professor Lincoln Mitchell

The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies held a dinner in honor of Professor Lincoln Mitchell, the departing Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics. The event was held at La Rural, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, and included Institute Members, Affiliates, friends and special guests. […]

Professor Kimberly Marten in Journal of International Affairs

Kimberly Marten published an article entitled “The Danger of Tribal Militias in Afghanistan” in the Fall/Winter 2009 issue of Columbia University’s Journal of International Affairs. On December 7, she presented her article at the issue’s launch event, entitled “Debating Obama’s AfPak Policy.”