Author Archives: gemmill

Professor Austin Long in Foreign Policy

Professor Austin Long published a piece entitled “Going old school: U.S. Army Special Forces return to the villages” on Foreign Policy’s blog. Click here to read the piece.

Professor Stuart Gottlieb on Politico

Professor Stuart Gottlieb pubished a piece on Politico about President Obama’s McChrystal/Petreaus command switch in Afghanistan. Click here to read the article.

Professor Alexander Cooley in the New York Times

Professor Alexander Cooley had a quote in the New York Times regarding the relationship between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the context of the recent unrest in Kyrgyzstan. Click here to read the article.

Professor Aldo Civico in the Washington Post

Professor Aldo Civico was quoted in an article in the Washington Post.  Civico commented on the recent elections in Colombia, highlighting the difference between Alvaro Uribe and his political heir Juan Manuel Santos. Click here to read the article.

Professor Alexander Cooley Testifies for U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs

Professor Alexander Cooley testified for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs.  His remarks were entitled “Crisis in Kyrgyzstan: Fuel, Contractors and Revolution Along the Afghan Supply Chain.”  The hearing and Cooley’s remarks were covered by the Washington Post. Click here to read Professor […]

Professor Alexander Cooley in Foreign Policy

Professor Alexander Cooley published an article entitled “Manas Hysteria: Why the United States can’t keep buying off Kyrgyz leaders to keep its vital air base open” in Foreign Policy.

Professor Austin Long in Orbis

Professor Austin Long published an article entitled “Small is Beautiful: The Counterterrorism Option in Afghanistan” in the Spring 2010 issue of Orbis.

Professor Jean-Marie Guéhenno Appointed Chair of Senior Advisory Group for the Review of International Civilian Capacities at the United Nations

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon appointed Professor Jean-Marie Guéhenno to chair the newly created Senior Advisory Group for the Review of International Civilian Capacities at the United Nations. The Review of International Civilian Capacities is a key component of the agenda for action outlined in Mr. Ban’s 2009 Report on Peacebuilding in the Immediate Aftermath […]