Author Archives: gemmill

Center for International Conflict Resolution Holds Retreat on “The Evolution of Conflict and its Implications for Peacemaking”

The Center for International Conflict Resolution’s 2011 Experts Retreat was held at the Greentree Estate in Manhasset, New York. Representatives of states, multilateral organizations, and international and civil society organizations, together with academics from around the world were present to discuss how the field of conflict resolution can respond to the new and emerging challenges […]

Professor Alexander Cooley in Newsweek Magazine

Pprofessor Alexander Cooley was quoted in an article entitled “Welfare for Dictators” in Newsweek Magazine.  According to Cooley, “we may be essentially buying our presence” in Abu Dhabi. On U.S. bases, Cooley says, “there is a quid pro quo that is tacit.” Click here to read the article.

Professor Alexander Cooley Quoted in the New York Times

Professor Alexander Cooley was quoted in a New York Times article entitled “China Celebrates Anniversary of Group With a Long Blacklist.” According to Cooley, the Shanghai organization has been a major Chinese foreign policy success. Click here to read the article.

Professor Page Fortna Interviewed for Inter Press Service

Saltzman Institute Professor Page Fortna was interviewed by the Inter Press Service News Agency about her book on peacekeeping operations, Does Peacekeeping Work?: Shaping Belligerants’ Choices after Civil War (Princeton University Press, 2008). Click here to read the interview.

Professor Kenneth Waltz Receives Honorary Doctorate

Professor Kenneth Waltz travelled to Greece this May to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Macedonia at Salonika, and to celebrate the translation of two of his books, Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis and Theory of International Politics, into Greek.

Saltzman Director Richard Betts in the New York Times

On May 2nd, 2011, Saltzman Institute Director Richard Betts published an article for the New York Times website. The article’s title is “The ‘Politicization’ Problem,” and was published in the “Room for Debate” discussion on the topic “Blurring the Lines Between Soldiers and Spies.” Click here to view the article.

Professor Alexander Cooley in Foreign Affairs

On April 5th, an article co-written by Saltzman Institute Professor Alexander Cooley and Dr. Daniel Nexon of Georgetown University, “Bahrain’s Base Politics”, was published on the Foreign Affairs website. Click here to read the article.