Author Archives: gemmill

SIWPS Member Stuart Gottlieb Interviewed for Chicago Tribune

Saltzman Institute Member Stuart Gottlieb was interviewed for an article published earlier this month in the Chicago Tribune. The article, “Feds, 9/11 survivors fight over $6.6 million in account linked to al-Qaida”, quoted Dr. Gottlieb in his capacity as a counterterrorism expert. In the piece, Dr. Gottlieb offers an explanation for the “aggressive” efforts by […]

Richard Betts Quoted in NYT

SIWPS Director Richard Betts was interviewed for an article published today in the New York Times. The article, “In Din Over Iran, Rattling Sabers Echo Iraq War,” compares the current discussion about the potential for conflict with Iran with the rhetoric in the period before the Iraq war. In the piece, Dr. Betts comments on […]

SIWPS Member Robert Jervis Interviewed for Christian Science Monitor

SIWPS Member Robert Jervis was interviewed for an article published last week in the Christian Science Monitor, “What would happen if Iran had the bomb?” The article argues that the consequences of an Iranian nuclear weapon, though potentially dangerous, would not be as bad as some have predicted. Dr. Jervis contributed his thoughts as to […]

SIWPS Director Richard Betts Appointed to CIA Board

Dr. Richard Betts, the Director of the Saltzman Institute and of the International Security Policy Concentration at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, has been appointed to the CIA’s External Advisory Board. Established in 2007, the Board brings together important figures from corporate, academic and governmental spheres to advise the CIA Director, David Petraeus.

Institute Founded by SIWPS Affiliate Aldo Civico Recognized by UNESCO

The International Institute for Peace (IIP), co-founded by Dr. Aldo Civico, former Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution at Columbia University and an Affiliate of the Saltzman Institute, was recently named a Category 2 institute under UNESCO. The Category 2 designation is given to organizations which “contribute to the achievement of UNESCO’s strategic […]

SIWPS Member Jack Snyder Interviewed for NPR

Dr. Jack Snyder, SIWPS Member and the Robert and Renée Belfer Professor of International Relations in Columbia’s Department of Political Science, was interviewed for an NPR article published today. The article, titled “As Wars Wind Down, What are U.S. Security Needs?” discussed the ongoing debate over defense spending and budget cuts at the Pentagon. Dr. […]

SIWPS Member Kimberley Marten Interviewed for the International Business Times

Dr. Kimberly Marten, SIWPS Member and Professor of Political Science at Barnard College, was interviewed by the International Business Times for an article on Russia’s support for the Syrian government. Russia’s veto of a UN Security Council resolution calling on the Assad regime to abdicate power, Marten argued, was motivated partly by a need to […]

Video Now Available for “The International Criminal Court: The First 10 Years”

On November 30, 2011, the Saltzman Institute invited Amb. Christian Wenaweser of Liechtenstein and Amb. Bruno Stagno Ugarte of Costa Rica to speak about the International Criminal Court’s development over the last decade, as part of SIWPS’s Ambassador Series of panel discussions. Amb. Ugarte is the Executive Director of the ICC, and Amb. Wenaweser just […]

SIWPS Director Richard Betts Featured on Columbia News

SIWPS Director Richard Betts was featured in an article on Columbia News’s “Global Impact” section yesterday. The article, “SIPA Expert Says Leaner Pentagon Better Targets 21st Century Threats”, summarized Dr. Betts’s discussion with the Council on Foreign Relations on the Pentagon’s latest strategic review. In the background, of course, are the defense spending cuts with […]

Lincoln Mitchell Interviewed for

Saltzman Institute Affiliate Lincoln Mitchell was interviewed yesterday for, a website devoted to news and analysis of events in Georgia and the Caucasus region. In the interview, part of a new weekly interview series called Caucasian Context, dealt with the latest Freedom House report on “Freedom in the World,” which gave Georgia a 4 […]