Author Archives: gemmill

Alexander Cooley Publishes Op-Ed in the New York Times

Alexander Cooley, a Member of the Saltzman Institute and the Chair of the Political Science Department at Barnard College, has published an opinion piece in the New York Times. In the article, Dr. Cooley, who specializes in Central Asian politics, discussed the consequences of the United States’ plans for pulling its troops out of Afghanistan. […]

Stuart Gottlieb Interviewed for GlobalPost

Stuart Gottlieb, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs and an Affiliate of the Saltzman Institute, was interviewed for the news service GlobalPost. Dr. Gottlieb, who specializes in counterterrorism, discussed US President Obama’s comments suggesting he might approve American military involvement in the Syrian conflict if chemical weapons begin to be moved or used. The […]

Alexander Cooley Publishes in Foreign Affairs

Updated: Dr. Cooley was interviewed about this article on Foreign Affairs Focus; the video is available on Foreign Affairs’ YouTube Channel. Saltzman Member and Chair of the Barnard Political Science Department Alexander Cooley has recently published an article in Foreign Affairs. The article, entitled “The New Great Game in Central Asia,” discusses the recent increase […]

Robert Jervis Interviewed for GlobalPost

Robert Jervis, Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Politics in the Department of Political Science and a Member of the Saltzman Institute, gave an interview recently to the online news service GlobalPost. The interview covered the recent non-binding resolution from the UN General Assembly rebuking the Security Council for having failed to end the conflict […]

Alexander Cooley Interviewed for Harper’s Magazine

Alexander Cooley, a Member of the Saltzman Institute and the Chair of the Department of Political Science at Barnard College, spoke with a Harper’s Magazine reporter for an article published today. The interview covered several issues raised in Dr. Cooley’s latest book, Great Games, Local Rules: The New Great Power Contest in Central Asia (Oxford […]

American Force Reviewed in Intelligence and National Security

Saltzman Institute Director Richard Betts’s latest book, American Force: Dangers, Dillusions, and Dilemmas in National Security (Columbia University Press: 2008), was reviewed in the July edition of Intelligence and National Security. The reviewer, Sharon Weiner of the American University’s School of International Service, complimented Dr. Betts on his careful analysis of the United States’s post-Cold […]

Alexander Cooley Interviewed for NPR

Alexander Cooley, Saltzman Institute Member and Tow Professor for Distinguished Scholars and Practitioners in Political Science at Barnard College, discussed his research on great power rivalry in Central Asia for NPR’s “The Takeaway.” The interview focused on the competition for power in the region currently underway between Russia, China, and the United States. Prof. Cooley, […]

Jean-Marie Guéhenno to Leave UN Post, Return to SIPA

Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Arnold A. Saltzman Professor of Professional Practice at the Saltzman Institute and Director of the Center for International Conflict Resolution, will be leaving his position as Deputy Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations and the League of Arab States on Syria by August 1. Dr. Guéhenno, at the request of newly elected […]

Alexander Cooley Quoted in the Washington Post, Voice of America

Alexander Cooley, a member of the Saltzman Institute and  the Tow Professor for Distinguished Scholars and Practitioners in Political Science at Barnard College, was recently quoted in two articles, for the Washington Post and for the Voice of America. Both articles discuss American negotiations with Central Asian nations to secure transit for the withdrawal of […]

Alexander Cooley Interviewed for the World Policy Review

Alexander Cooley, a Saltzman Institute member and the Tow Professor for Distinguished Scholars and Practitioners in Political Science at Barnard College, was interviewed for an article with the World Policy Review. The piece discusses Uzbekistan’s recent decision to withdraw from the Collective Security Treaty Organization, its causes, and its potential consequences. The interview is available […]