Author Archives: gemmill

Dipali Mukhopadhyay Given Outstanding Teaching Award

Professor Dipali Mukhopadhyay, Member, SIWPS, and Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs, was awarded SIPA’s Outstanding Teaching Award (Small Course) for 2013. The award was given for her course, “State Formation, Violence, and Intervention in the Modern World,” which used Afghanistan as a case study to introduce students to the wide ranging literature on […]

Jack Snyder for openDemocracy

On June 19, 2013, Professor Jack Snyder, the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science and Member, SIWPS, had a piece published with openDemocracy, a digital commons that champions human rights and seeks to debate forms of democratic change. The article, “Human rights in the vernacular,” discusses how “the road […]

Kenneth Waltz Remembered by Robert Art and Robert Jervis in Foreign Affairs

The passing of Kenneth Waltz, Senior Research Scholar at the Saltzman Institute, has inspired a number of tributes to his work, legacy, and character. While we cannot list them all, this article in Foreign Affairs, co-written by Robert Art of Brandeis University and our own Robert Jervis, is particularly worth reading. The title of the […]

Austin Long on Minnesota Public Radio

Austin Long, a Saltzman Institute Member and an Assistant Professor at SIPA, went on Minnesota Public Radio to discuss counterterrorism in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing, along with Lawrence Korb of Georgetown University. Dr. Long and Dr. Korb discussed the possibilities and difficulties of dealing with terrorism, particularly with lone, small-scale actors. Also […]

Nancy Walbridge Collins in the New York Times

Nancy Walbridge Collins, a Research Fellow at the Saltzman Institute, paricipated earlier this week in the New York Times “Room for Debate” roundtable. “Room for Debate” asks experts from around the world to answer a particular question in a short article, in this case “With the Soviet Union gone and austerity challenging security, should we disband […]

Gottlieb in the New York Times on Boston Bombing

Institute affiliate and counterterrorism expert Stuart Gottlieb had his “Letter to the Editor” published in the New York Times. The letter is a response to an Op-Ed by Oliver Bullough comparing school shootings in the US to terrorist attacks like the Boston Marathon bombings. Dr. Gottlieb argues that “political violence” like terrorism should be considered […]

Pablo Pinto Publishes New Book and Book Chapter

Pablo Pinto, a Member of the Saltzman Institute and an Associate Professor with the Department of Political Science, published last month both a chapter in a collection of work on the 2008 recession and a book of his own. Dr. Pinto, an expert of international and comparitive political economy, explicates a new theory of the […]

Benjamin Miller at Saltzman

On April 8 the Institute hosted Dr. Benjamin Miller, Professor of International Relations at the University of Haifa, and President of the Israeli Association for International Studies. The event was moderated by Dr. Stephanie Neuman, Director of the Comparative Defense Studies Program. Dr. Miller focused on the implications of the Arab Spring for the national […]