Author Archives: gemmill

Robert Jervis for Foreign Affairs: “On the Road to Yes With Iran”

On November 29, SIWPS Member Robert Jervis appeared in Foreign Affairs with a new article, “On the Road to Yes with Iran.” The piece is a follow-up of his “Getting to Yes with Iran,” which appeared in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs. Professor Jervis’s new article discusses how to read the nuclear deal reached […]

Visiting Scholar Camille François for Scientific American

On November 26, Visiting Scholar Camille François was published in Scientific American on the meaning of the word “Cyberspace,” its origins and the word in its current context. The article, “What Is War in the Digital Realm? A Reality Check on the Meaning of ‘Cyberspace,’” can be read in its entirety on the Scientific American […]

Autesserre Piece Wins “Best Article in 2012” from APCG

On November 23, the African Politics Conference Group (APCG) announced the 2012 APCG Awards, selecting SIWPS Member Séverine Autesserre as having published the “Best Article in 2012.” The article, “Dangerous Tales: Dominant Narratives on the Congo and their Unintended Consequences,” was published in African Affairs in April of 2012, and focused on what Professor Autesserre calls the […]

Jean-Marie Guéhenno quoted on DRC in New York Times

November 13- Quoted in the New York Times, Saltzman Institute Associate Director Jean-Marie Guéhenno stressed the importance of a regional political settlement in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo following the routing of the M23 rebel group by the UN’s Force Intervention Brigade and Congolese forces. The Intervention Brigade, Guéhenno says, “has contributed to rebuilding the credibility […]

Stuart Gottlieb for The National Interest

On November 5th, SIWPS Member Stuart Gottlieb published an article in The National Interest entitled “Syria and the Demise of the Responsibility to Protect.” The article explores the world’s response to chemical gas attacks in Syria, and the dual personality the international community seems to have towards intervention for security issues and intervention for humanitarian […]

In Memoriam: Kenneth Waltz, Giant of International Relations Theory

May 12, 2013 The Institute mourns the passing of our friend and colleague, Kenneth N. Waltz. Waltz was the leading academic theorist of the causes of war and one of the half-dozen most influential international relations theorists since World War II.  He developed “structural realism,” a more systematic and rigorous version of the theory of international […]

SIWPS Mourns the Passing of Former Director Warner R. Schilling

October 20, 2013 The Institute mourns the passing of Warner R. Schilling, who died in Bergen County, New Jersey, on October 20, 2013. He was 88 years old.  Schilling grew up in the St. Louis Area, and served as a radio operator with the United States Army Air Force from 1943 to 1946. He received […]

Robert Jervis for The Nation

On October 15, Robert Jervis reviewed Eric Schlosser’s new book, Command and Control, for The Nation. In what Professor Jervis calls a “gripping new book,” Schlosser uncovers what he deems the “illusion of safety” that Americans have when it comes to nuclear weapons. The author lays out a number of near-accidents during the Cold War […]

Visiting Scholar Camille François Co-Organizes Drones Conference

From October 11-13, NYU hosted the inaugural Drones & Aerial Robotics Conference (DARC), a multidisciplinary conference about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drones—with an emphasis on civilian applications. The conference was sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, and Visiting Scholar Camille François co-organized the conference as a member of the Programming Committee. The conference also included […]

Jean-Marie Guéhenno for Project Syndicate

On September 23, SIWPS Associate Director Jean-Marie Guéhenno appeared for Project Syndicate, an online forum for international affairs, with his piece titled “The West’s Second Chance in Syria.” In it, Professor Guéhenno discusses how the new plan for Syria to submit its chemical weapons stockpile to international control may bring about the outcome the West […]