Author Archives: gemmill

Robert Jervis Interviewed in Foreign Affairs

Editor Gideon Rose interviewed Institute member Robert Jervis for Foreign Affairs‘ online journal. Jervis discussed ongoing nuclear talks with Iran, the prospects for an agreement, how scholarship on nuclear weapons has evolved, and the possibility of an Iranian-Israeli nuclear standoff. Watch the interview and read the transcript here

Columbia University Seminar on Defense and Security

The Columbia University Seminar on Defense and Security (CSDS) advances understanding of global military issues through sustained analysis. The seminar addresses the most urgent problems of our time; assesses strategies to resolve, mitigate, and meet these challenges; and initiates specific courses of action. This seminar is co-sponsored by University Seminars and the Saltzman Institute of […]

Alexander Cooley quoted in Politico

SIWPS member Alexander Cooley discussed the challenges facing the US in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan for the Politico series “Obama’s World.” “Policymakers insist that the U.S. will remain engaged, but without the strategic driver of supplying Afghanistan, there seems to be no compelling U.S. interest to do so.” The article on Kyrgyzstan can be found here and the article […]

In Memoriam: Roger Hilsman

The Institute mourns the passing of long-time member Roger Hilsman, Jr.,Columbia University professor emeritus and former Assistant Secretary of State under JFK. Professor Hilsman passed away on February 23, 2014.   

Dipali Mukhophadyay Discusses New Book about the Role of Warlords in Afghanistan

In an interview with Columbia News, Professor Dipali Mukhopadhyay discusses her new book about the relationship between warlords and the state in Afghanistan. Warlords, Strongman Governors, and the State in Afghanistan will be published this spring by Cambridge University Press. The Columbia News article can be found here.    

Mira Rapp-Hooper for Political Science Quarterly

Last month, Columbia PhD student and Institute Affiliate Mira Rapp-Hooper appeared in the Winter 2013-2014 issue of Political Science Quarterly with an article entitled “Conceptualizing Containment: The Iranian Threat and the Future of Gulf Security.” The article was co-authored by Zachary Goldman, Executive Director of the Center on Law and Security at NYU. The article […]

Stephen Sestanovich in the Washington Post

On January 29, Affiliate Stephen Sestanovich was quoted in the Washington Post on the subject of the Sochi Olympics and the considerable investment made into it by President Vladimir Putin. Professor Sestanovich believes that President Putin has “almost surely” invested too much money into the games, and that this will be apparent should the Russian […]

Stephen Sestanovich for The New Republic

On December 27, Affiliate Stephen Sestanovich appeared in The New Republic with an article titled “There Will Never Be a Unified Theory of JFK: What a year of retrospectives missed about the martyred president.” In the piece, Professor Sestanovich explores some works put out in the past year examing the presidency of John F. Kennedy […]

Memorial for Warner Schilling on Friday, December 13

On Friday, December 13, 2013, friends and colleagues will gather to celebrate the life of the late Warner R. Schilling, who passed away on October 20, 2013. A memorial service will take place at 2:00 pm Friday, Dec., 13, at St. Paul’s Chapel on the campus of Columbia University. Click here for details and condolences.

Stephen Sestanovich for Politico

On December 9, Affiliate Stephen Sestanovich appeared in Politico with a new article, “What Would Richard Holbrooke Do?” The article discusses the legacy of the late diplomat, and presents six things that he would say were he still alive today. The article can be read in full on the Politico website here.