Author Archives: gemmill

In The National Interest, Rajan Menon on Bringing Peace to Ukraine

Rajan Menon, a Senior Research Scholar at the Saltzman Institute and Professor of Political Science at The City College of New York, has written a piece for The National Interest titled “The War Over the ‘Boiko’ Ukraine Peace Proposal.” Read the full article on The National Interest website.

Jack Snyder in International Security on the Origins of World War I

SIWPS Member Jack Snyder argues in a new article that the paradox of 1914 – that all the great powers viewed it a favorable time to go to war –  can be explained by the way in which alliance anxieties and domestic political conditions shaped each great power’s strategic calculations.“Better Now than Later: the Paradox of 1914 as […]

Kimberly Marten in the Washington Post: Arming Ukraine is a Bad Idea

SIWPS Member Kimberly Marten wrote a piece for the Washington Post on August 7th describing why the U.S. should think twice before providing arms to help the Ukrainian military defeat pro-Russian separatists. “Until the Ukrainian military achieves a higher degree of discipline and cohesion, the U.S. needs to concentrate on helping train those troops, not […]

Stuart Gottlieb in Foreign Affairs: Global Ties Tied Our Hands in Russia

SIWPS Member Stuart Gottlieb argues in Foreign Affairs today that the European Union’s reluctance to impose strong sanctions on Russia over Ukraine is a direct result of U.S.-supported efforts in the 1990s to foster economic and political integration between Russia and other European states. “Although the original policy [of political and economic integration] was hailed as a way to ensure […]

New Book: Michal Onderco’s “Hawks, Doves and Rogues”

Former Saltzman Institute Visiting Scholar Michal Onderco is the author of new book titled “Hawks, Doves and ‘Rogues’: Liberal Democracies and the Dilemma of Reponse to Rogue States.” Mr. Onderco is currently a PhD candidate at Vrije University in the Netherlands.  He was a Visiting Scholar at the Saltzman Institute from 2012 to 2013.

The Saltzman Forum

The Saltzman Forum is an annual event held in honor of Mr. Arnold A. Saltzman, who passed away on January 2, 2014. Each year, the Saltzman Forum touches on one issue or region of global importance and examines its political and security implications. Mr. Saltzman served five American presidents in a wide range of policy-level […]