Author Archives: gemmill

Ikenberry lauds new Cooley and Snyder book

Noted international relations scholar John Ikenberry gives praise to Ranking the World: Grading States as a Tool of Global Governance, the new volume edited by SIWPS members Alexander Cooley and Jack Snyder, in a review published in the September/October 2015 issue of Foreign Affairs. Ikenberry describes the book as “fascinating,” noting the originality of the […]

Marten talks Putin in “The Washington Quarterly”

The Summer 2015 edition of the Washington Quarterly features a new article written by SIWPS member Kimberly Marten. “Putin’s Choices: Explaining Russian Foreign Policy and Intervention in Ukraine” is the latest component of an ongoing two-year joint project between the Saltzman Institute and the Harriman Institute that focuses on the new geopolitics of the Eurasian borderlands. […]

Nineteenth Annual SWAMOS

The nineteenth annual Summer Workshop on the Analysis of Military Operations and Strategy (SWAMOS) was held July 5-19 on the campus of Cornell University. The two directing faculty of SWAMOS 2015 were Saltzman Institute Director Richard K. Betts and Stephen Biddle of the Council on Foreign Relations. Responsibility for guiding the workshop was shared among […]

Robert Jervis talks Iran deal in “Foreign Affairs”

In a new article published by Foreign Affairs, SIWPS member Robert Jervis assesses the Iran nuclear deal and how implementation — or violation — of this deal may play out. The article, which is adapted from a piece that will soon appear in The Diplomat, asserts that although the United States and its European allies did […]

Autesserre’s “Peaceland” wins ISA’s Best Book of the Year Award

The International Studies Association (ISA) has awarded its “Best Book of the Year Award” to Saltzman Institute Member Séverine Autesserre’s Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014). The book, which explores why international peace interventions often fail to reach their full potential, has been widely praised since […]

Cynthia Roberts tackles the implications of a strengthening BRICS group in “The National Interest”

The National Interest has published an article by SIWPS Senior Associate Cynthia Roberts, titled “Are the BRICS Building a Non-Western Concert of Powers?” In light of this week’s gathering of Brazilian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, and South African leaders in Ufa, Russia for the 7th BRICS Summit, Roberts discusses how the BRICS group has proven itself […]

Insight and inspiration from Séverine Autesserre in Legacy Project interview

SIWPS member Séverine Autesserre was profiled in The Legacy Project, a South Africa-based initiative focused on inspiring the youth of South Africa to transform their lives and fulfill their potential. The Project conducts this mission by providing access to wisdom from positive role models from around the world. Every day, the Project profiles and interviews […]

Jason Healey featured in Christian Science Monitor

Jason Healey, the Saltzman Institute’s new Senior Research Scholar in cyber policy, authored a column that was published today in the Christian Science Monitor. The piece, titled “#CyberDeflategate and the beginning of sports hacking,” addresses the recent accusations that officials from the St. Louis Cardinals hacked into the internal networks and databases of the Houston […]

Jason Healey joins the Saltzman Institute

Senior research scholar will direct new initiative on cyber-conflict The Saltzman Institute is pleased to welcome Jason Healey, who is joining the Institute as a senior research scholar and as the director of a new initiative on cyber-conflict. Healey brings to SIWPS extensive, diverse experience in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors as well as […]

Page Fortna spotlighted and interviewed in The Atlantic

Page Fortna, SIWPS member and chair of Columbia’s Department of Political Science, is a featured subject in “Does Terrorism Work?”, an article by David A. Graham that appeared in The Atlantic on May 25th. The article focuses on Fortna’s findings in her recently published paper, “Do Terrorists Win? Rebels’ Use of Terrorism and Civil War Outcomes,” […]