Author Archives: gemmill

Saltzman Professors Discuss the Growing Threat of ISIS

As the Islamic State continues its attacks in Iraq, Syria and now France, Columbia News asked professors from a number of disciplines to evaluate the threats posed by the group. The professors discuss a number of issues, including counter-terrorism strategies, the threat of ISIS, whether terrorists can even win, peacebuilding policy, ISIS’ social media strategy […]

Stuart Gottlieb Featured in NPR Segment on the Language of Counterterrorism

SIWPS member Stuart Gottlieb was a featured guest on NPR’s live midday news program Here & Now. In a segment titled “The Language Of Counterterrorism: Is Obama Striking The Right Tone?” host Jeremy Hobson speaks with Gottlieb and UC Berkeley professor of linguistics George Lakoff about the way in which President Obama frames terrorist attacks and […]

Jason Healey discusses what Chinese origin of cyber-attack on Permanent Court of Arbitration may reveal

SIWPS member Jason Healey has written a new piece for The Diplomat analyzing the implications of the July cyber-attack on the website of The Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration. Healey, who is also the director of a new Saltzman Institute-sponsored initiative on cyber-conflict, places the hack, now reported to have originated in China, in the context […]

American Iranian Council publishes policy proposal by Saltzman DRA Arastoo Taslim

The Saltzman Institute’s Departmental Research Assistant, Arastoo Taslim, has written a policy proposal for the American Iranian Council (AIC), where he is a Research Associate. The AIC published the proposal, titled “Expanding U.S.-Iran Cooperation to Forge a Power-Sharing Deal in Yemen,” on its website. Taslim is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in International Affairs from […]

Gottlieb in New York Times: Russia is taking advantage of Middle East leadership gap left by America

In a letter to the editor published in the New York Times today, SIWPS member Stuart Gottlieb responds to Michael Gordon’s piece on Russia’s move to expand its role in the Syria conflict, “Russia Surprises U.S. With Accord on Battling ISIS.” Gottlieb contends that Russia’s increased presence in the Middle East is a result of President Obama’s […]

Page Fortna makes a case for peacekeeping

SIWPS member and Political Science Department Chair Page Fortna has written a new blog post for Political Violence at a Glance. In “Enough with the Pessimism about Peacekeeping,” Fortna responds to a recent New York Times article critical of UN peacekeeping efforts. Fortna, a frequent contributor to the Political Violence at a Glance, decries the […]

Gottlieb in the Daily Beast: Democrats’ sudden hawkishness on Iran is too little, too late

The Daily Beast has published a new opinion piece by SIWPS member Stuart Gottlieb. “Don’t Buy The Democrats’ New Tough Talk on Iran” explores the increasingly aggressive rhetoric against Iran espoused by congressional Democrats, particularly Democrats who support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Highlighting the fact that this “sabre-rattling” has come after rather than […]

Watch now: Saltzman Forum on the Iran agreement

From left to right: Richard Betts, Richard Nephew, Gary Sick, Robert Jervis, Stuart Gottlieb, and Danielle Pletka. On September 10, the Saltzman Institute hosted its eleventh Saltzman Forum, titled “The Iran Agreement: Good Deal, Bad Deal, or No Deal?” The event is now available for viewing online. The panel discussion featured the Institute’s own Richard […]

Autesserre interviewed on Radio France Internationale

Radio France Internationale (RFI) conducted an interview with SIWPS member Séverine Autesserre regarding Congolese militia leader Bosco Ntaganda’s International Criminal Court trial, which begins today. Autesserre discussed the case against Ntaganda as well as the prospects for peace in the Congo in the course of her conversation with RFI, which is one of France’s primary […]

Richard Betts examines realism in theory and in practice

A new essay by SIWPS Director Richard Betts appears in the 30th anniversary issue of the National Interest. “Realism Is an Attitude, Not a Doctrine” looks at the applicability of realism to today’s foreign policy challenges. Delving into the consequentialist moral principles that inform realist thought, Betts rejects the notion of realism as a homogeneous, […]