This book surveys discourse and opinion in the United States toward the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1991. Contrary to popular myth, it demonstrates that U.S. support for Israel is not based on the pro-Israel lobby, but rather is deeply rooted in American political culture. That support has increased since 9/11. However, the bulk of this increase has been among Republicans, conservatives, evangelicals, and Orthodox Jews. Meanwhile, among Democrats, liberals, the Mainline Protestant Church, and non-Orthodox Jews, criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians has become more vociferous. This book works to explain this paradox.
- The most comprehensive and up-to-date book about American attitudes towards Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict
- Demonstrates the growing polarization of attitudes toward Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict between Republicans and conservatives on the one hand and Democrats and liberals on the other
- Shows that while sympathy for Israel is strong and consensual among Americans, attitudes toward the Arab-Israeli conflict reflect the increasing polarization of American politics along religious and ideological lines
- Based on a large and wide-ranging pool of information, including original interviews, opinion polls, and focus groups, as well as a large-scale survey of the discourse in American political magazines