Virginie Troit is is an associate researcher at Sciences Po/CERI where she defended a doctoral thesis in Political Science/ International Relations entitled “Humanitarian Norms and Global South Organisations: the challenges of self-regulation. Experiences of the ECCO standard of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Africa (2009-2019)”.
She is also the general director of the French Red Cross Foundation for humanitarian research since 2017 in continuity with the Red Cross Fund created in 2013 and member of the Steering Committee of the Red Cross Red Crescent Research Consortium (RC3). She joined the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent following eight years of experience within local and international NGOs (including Médecins sans Frontières and Handicap International) in India, Germany and the the United Arab Emirates.
Her work focuses on humanitarianism, its transnational actors and networks, its representations and discourses, its norms and ethics and the articulation of local-global relation(ship)s. She is a former board member of the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) and a member of the Group for Research on Multilateral Action (GRAM). Founding Member at the board of the review Humanitarian Alternatives. she co-directs the Devenir humanitarian collection published by Karthala Editions and has taught at the University of Friburg (Switzerland).
Her latest publications includes : The challenges of research in the humanitarian sector: An evolving
Relationship (with J. Antouly, V. Leger, C. Raillon). International Review of the Red Cross (2024), 106 (926), 525–541. The Humanitarian Transition in Cameroon (dir. with Marie-Thérèse Mengue), Editions Karthala Editions (2023). De la diplomatie humanitaire à la communication publique, in Christian Lequesne (dir.), La puissance par l’image. Les États et leur diplomatie publique. Presses de Sciences Po.